About the conversion unit of network speed? For example, 1 meter = 10 decimeter = 100 cm = 1000 mm/ Pure unit conversion

About the conversion unit of network speed? For example, 1 meter = 10 decimeter = 100 cm = 1000 mm/ Pure unit conversion

1024 base, 1024 byte = 1 Megabyte, 1024 megabyte = 1GB, 1024g = 1T

Conversion unit of unit filament and centimeter

"Silk" is commonly known as "0.01mm" by mechanical workers. Workers with Shanghai Technology inheritance say "silk". In the north, they say "0.01mm" as "Dao". These two statements are clear in the industry
1 mm = 100 threads
Silk also called, not the silk rice in the unit system
The so-called silk is humi, 1 silk = 1 humi = 0.01mm = 0.001cm = 0.00001m

What is the unit ton meter? How to convert it into meter

Ton meter!
Ton is the unit of mass, meter is the unit of length!
There is no suitable physical quantity to explain the mass multiplied by the length