Who knows the advance rate of nanometer and micron? How many micrometers is a nanometer? For example, how many micrometers is a nanometer? Help me~

Who knows the advance rate of nanometer and micron? How many micrometers is a nanometer? For example, how many micrometers is a nanometer? Help me~

1 000 nm = 1 micron
0.001 mm (mm) = 1 micron
0.000 1 cm (CM) = 1 micron
0.000 01 decimeter (DM) = 1 micron
0.000 001 m (m) = 1 micron
0.001 μ M = 1 nm
1 000 μ M = 1 mm (mm)
10 000 μ M = 1 cm (CM)
100 000 μ M = 1 decimeter (DM)
1 000 000 micron = 1 meter (m)

What are the length units?

Market size
Kilometer, meter, decimeter, centimeter, millimeter, micron, nanometer
Inch, foot, yard, mile, nautical mile (1 nautical mile for 1852 meters or 6o76.115 feet), anchor chain (27.5 meters)
Light years, there is a "second gap"
Second gap (PC)
From the earth, the position of the stars in the distant background will change with the revolution of the earth. We can measure the angle between the planet and the earth's orbit. Because we know the size of the earth's orbit, This method of measuring the distance between a star and the earth is called "parallax method". For example, the "10 second gap" between a star and the earth means that after half a year (the earth moves to the other side of the orbit), the star will have a 10 second visual movement in the sky background
Conversion: 1 (PC second gap) = 3.26 (ly light year) = 206265 (AU astronomical unit) = 3.09 × 10 ^ 16 (m)

Conversion table of length unit

The traditional units of length in China are Li, Zhang, Chi, Cun, etc.1 Li = 150 Zhang = 500 m.2 Li = 1 km (1000 m), 1 Zhang = 10 ft, 1 chi = 10 cun.1 Zhang = 3.33 m, 1 chi = 3.33 decimeter, 1 Cun = 3.33 cm. In the international system of units, the standard unit of length is "m", which is indicated by the symbol "m"