How to calculate the cube of wood? How many cubes does a ruler have with a diameter of 20cm and a length of 4.5m?

How to calculate the cube of wood? How many cubes does a ruler have with a diameter of 20cm and a length of 4.5m?

For example, the diameter of 20 cm is 3.14 × 0.1 × 0.1 × 4.5
For example, the radius of 20cm is 3.14 × 0.2 × 0.2 × 4.5

The length of wood is 2.4 meters, the width is 20 cm, and the thickness is 3 cm. How to calculate its cube?

20cm = 0.2m 3cm = 0.03m
2.4 × 0.2 × 0.03 = 0.0144 (M3)

How to calculate the cube? Six centimeters in length, six centimeters in width, four and a half centimeters in height. How many cubes are there in 2000?
How many cubic meters?

Length * width * height is a cube
6 * 6 * 4.5 * 2000 = 324000 cm3 = 0.324 M3