A cuboid wood, 2 meters long, cut it into 3 sections, the surface area increases by 24 square decimeters, how many cubic decimeters is the volume of this wood?

A cuboid wood, 2 meters long, cut it into 3 sections, the surface area increases by 24 square decimeters, how many cubic decimeters is the volume of this wood?

Cut into 3 sections, the number of additional cross sections is
(3-1) × 2 = 4
What is the cross-sectional area of wood
24 △ 4 = 6 (square decimeter)
2 m = 20 decimeters
What is the volume of wood
6 × 20 = 120 (cubic decimeter)

A cuboid wood, its cross-sectional area is 0.5 square meters, the length is 60 decimeters, ten such wood total volume is how many cubic decimeters, how many cubic meters?

= 30000 (cubic decimeter)

30000 cubic decimeters = 30 cubic meters

A cuboid wood is 4 meters long, with a large cross section of 2.25 square decimeters. How many cubic meters is its volume? How to calculate
