After a section of cylindrical wood is cut into a largest cone, the volume is reduced by 18.84 cubic decimeters. It is known that the height of cylindrical wood is three decimeters, and the bottom area of cylindrical wood is calculated

After a section of cylindrical wood is cut into a largest cone, the volume is reduced by 18.84 cubic decimeters. It is known that the height of cylindrical wood is three decimeters, and the bottom area of cylindrical wood is calculated

When a section of cylindrical wood is cut into a maximum cone, the volume is reduced by 18.84 cubic decimeters. Therefore, the volume of the wood is 18.84x2/3 = 28.26dm3. (when a section of cylindrical wood is cut into a maximum cone, the volume is reduced by 2 / 3), and the bottom area is 28.26/3 = 9.42dm2

Cut a cylindrical timber into the largest conical timber, and the volume is reduced by 16.8 cubic decimeters. What is the volume of the original cylindrical timber

16.8 ÷ (1-1 / 3) = 25.2 cubic decimeter

Master Zhang wants to cut a cylindrical wood, with a diameter of 2 decimeters at the bottom and a height of 3 decimeters, into a cone. What is the maximum volume of the cone?

The radius of the bottom surface is 2 △ 2 = 1 (decimeter); the volume of the cone is 13 π R2 × h, = 13 × 3.14 × 12 × 3, = 3.14 (cubic decimeter). A: the maximum volume of the cut cone is 3.14 cubic decimeter