A cuboid wood is 15 decimeters long and its cross-sectional area is 12 square decimeters. What is the volume of the cuboid wood?

A cuboid wood is 15 decimeters long and its cross-sectional area is 12 square decimeters. What is the volume of the cuboid wood?

What is the volume of this wood
=180 (cubic decimeter)

A cuboid timber, its cross section area is 0.35 square decimeter, its volume is 5.6 cubic decimeter, how long is this timber

A cuboid timber, its cross section area is 0.35 square decimeter, its volume is 5.6 cubic decimeter, how long is this timber
According to the volume formula: 5.6 △ 0.35 = 16 (decimeter)
A: this wood is 16 decimeters long

A furniture factory ordered 200 pieces of cuboid wood. The cross-sectional area of each piece of wood is 25 square decimeters and the length is 3.5 meters?

3.5 m = 35 decimeters 25 × 35 × 200 = 875 × 200 = 175000 cubic decimeters A: the total volume of these logs is 175000 cubic decimeters