How many square meters is a piece of wood 3 cm in diameter and 1 meter in length

How many square meters is a piece of wood 3 cm in diameter and 1 meter in length

The surface area of Pai (3 / 2) ^ 2 = 9pai / 4 is 2x9pai / 4 + 3pai * 10 = 69pai / 2 = 34.5pai, which is about 108.33 square centimeter = 0.010833 square meter

A 2.6-meter-long cylindrical wood, 10 cm in diameter, how many pieces of wood is a square

If a 2.6-meter-long cylindrical timber is 10 cm in diameter, the volume of a timber is 3.14 × (0.1) ^ 2 × 2.6 = 0.08164 (cubic meter), and the volume of a timber is 1 △ 0.08164 = 12.25 (root)

If a cylinder wood is cut into two sections, its surface area will increase by 25.12 square centimeters. If it is split into two and a half cylinders along its diameter, its surface area will increase
The area of the original cylinder will be increased by 120 square centimeters. (π = 3.14)

Roaming in the sea of books,
The bottom area is:
25.12 △ 2 = 12.56 (cm2)
The product of diameter and height is:
120 △ 2 = 60 (cm2)
Side area = perimeter of bottom surface × height = 3.14 × diameter × height
3.14 × 60 = 188.4 (cm2)
The surface area of the original cylinder is:
188.4 + 12.56 × 2 = 213.52 (cm2)