What are the centimetres of one foot and one foot respectively?

What are the centimetres of one foot and one foot respectively?

1 Zhang = 333cm
1 foot = 33 cm
1 inch = 3cm
The specific calculation basis is that 1 foot = 10 feet, 1 foot = 10 inches, 1 meter = 3 feet, 1 meter = 100 cm
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How many meters and centimeters is the current unit of length converted from one foot two feet nine inches?

One foot = 10 feet, one meter = 3 feet, one foot = 10 inches
So 10 / 3 + 2 / 3 + 9 / 30 = 3.333 + 0.666 + 0.3 = 4.299m

What are the length units

In the international system of units, the standard unit of length is "meter", denoted by the symbol "m"
Other length units include megameter (mm), kilometer (km), decimeter (DM), centimeter (CM), millimeter (mm), micron (μ m), nanometer (nm), etc
1Mm=1×10^6m 1km=1×10^3m 1dm=1×10^(-1)m 1cm=1×10^(-2)m 1mm=1×10^(-3)m 1μm=1×10^(-6)m
In China, the traditional units of length are feet, inches and feet
1m = 3 (feet) = 30 (inches) = 0.3 (feet)
In astronomy, "light year" is often used as the unit of length. It is the distance light travels in a year in vacuum, so it is also called light year
1 light year = 9.04653 × 10 ^ 12km