How many light years is the distance between Altair and vega? Altair is 16 light years and Vega is 27 light years The angle between Altair and Vega is 34 degrees.

How many light years is the distance between Altair and vega? Altair is 16 light years and Vega is 27 light years The angle between Altair and Vega is 34 degrees.

Cosine theorem
Distance = root sign (16 ^ 2 + 27 ^ 2-2 * 16 * 27cos34 degrees) = 16.39 light years

It is known that the distance between Altair and Vega is 17 light years. How many kilometers are they apart?

One light year = 3 * 10 ^ 8 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60m, so their distance is one light year multiplied by 17

It is known that the distance between Altair and Vega is 17 light years. How many kilometers are they apart?

The distance between the universe is very large, so it can only be measured in light years. The distance that light travels in a year is called a light year. The speed of light is 300000 kilometers per second, so a light year is 9460 billion kilometers
So the distance between Altair and Vega is 160820 billion kilometers