Always pay attention to the speed of 80 mph, act like a tree, die, why

Always pay attention to the speed of 80 mph, act like a tree, die, why

Because his brain doesn't turn

Is Mai equal to km / h
I think 30 km / h is 30 miles, I bet with people, online, fast!
If you want to get my score, you should think about how to answer my question to get my additional 10 points

1 mile = 1.60931 km. After calculation, 50 km / h equals 31 miles / h, 60 km / h equals 37 miles / h. In addition, the speed limit in China is km / h, and only foreign countries use miles / h to speed limit. As for the driver's license, it should be the same as ordinary cars

What is 161.7 km / h

"Mai" is a transliteration of "Mile" in English, not km / h
The "Mile" of vehicle speed refers to: mile / hour
But today's speedometer is km / h
1mph = 1.609km/h
161.7 km / h = 100.5 M