How many meters per second is 120 kilometers per hour?

How many meters per second is 120 kilometers per hour?

1 m / S = 3.6 km / h
It can be calculated with this conversion relation

In physics, velocity is______ , whose unit is______ 108 km / h=______ Meters per second

Speed is a physical quantity indicating the speed of an object. In the international system of units, the basic unit of speed is: M / S; 108km / h = 108 × 1000m; 3600 s = 30 m / S; so the answer is: the physical quantity indicating the speed of an object; m / S; 30

50 km / h is equivalent to the falling speed of several meters?
How can there be two answers?

V = 50km / h = 50000 / 3600m / S = 13.89m/s