One inch = () cm? One foot = () cm? One foot = () cm?

One inch = () cm? One foot = () cm? One foot = () cm?

One inch is equivalent to 3.3333 cm, one foot is equivalent to 33.33 cm (0.3333 m), and one foot is equivalent to 3.3333 M

How many meters was one foot in ancient times equal to one foot now?

In the Zhou Dynasty, one foot was 23.1cm;
In Qin Dynasty, one foot was about 23.1cm;
In Han Dynasty, one foot was about 21.35-23.75cm;
In the Three Kingdoms, one foot is 24.2cm;
In the Southern Dynasties, one foot was about 25.8 cm;
In the Northern Wei Dynasty, one foot is 30.9cm;
In Sui Dynasty, one foot is 29.6cm;
In Tang Dynasty, one foot is 30.7cm;
In song and Yuan Dynasties, one foot was 31.68cm;
In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, carpentry was 31.1cm