A question about the law of multiplication and distribution in grade two of primary school? a*b+a*c=a(b+c) 38*99+38 =38*(99+1) =38*100 =3800 Isn't a question like this supposed to be the inverse operation of the law of distribution by multiplication? Why is it that the book a * B + A * C = a (B + C) written in primary school as the law of distribution by multiplication, which is a little confused Is a (B + C) = a * B + A * C also the law of multiplicative distribution? Is that the same thing? Ah No, it's the law of association of multiplication again. The law of association in my memory is (a × b) × C = a × (B × C). Is that right?

A question about the law of multiplication and distribution in grade two of primary school? a*b+a*c=a(b+c) 38*99+38 =38*(99+1) =38*100 =3800 Isn't a question like this supposed to be the inverse operation of the law of distribution by multiplication? Why is it that the book a * B + A * C = a (B + C) written in primary school as the law of distribution by multiplication, which is a little confused Is a (B + C) = a * B + A * C also the law of multiplicative distribution? Is that the same thing? Ah No, it's the law of association of multiplication again. The law of association in my memory is (a × b) × C = a × (B × C). Is that right?

The law of multiplicative distribution is that the sum of two numbers multiplied by a number is written as the sum of two products
If you turn it upside down, it's the inverse of the law of distribution of multiplication
The main formula of the associative law of multiplication is (a × b) × C = a × (B × C), which can change the operation order of multiplication operation. The associative law of multiplication is to multiply three numbers, multiply the first two numbers first, or multiply the last two numbers first, with the product unchanged. It can also be written as (AB) C = a (BC)
Now primary school textbooks in the "law of distribution by multiplication" and its adverse operation are not separated, unified as "law of distribution by multiplication"
The distribution law of multiplication: a × B + a × C = a × (B + C) or a × (B + C) = a × B + a × C
Multiplicative Association Law: (a × b) × C = a × (B × C)
Commutative law of multiplication: a × B = B × a
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