Five workers processed 735 parts and 135 parts in two days. It is known that one of the two workers asked for leave for one day. According to the work efficiency, if no one asked for leave in the next few days, how many days will it take to complete the task?

Five workers processed 735 parts and 135 parts in two days. It is known that one of the two workers asked for leave for one day. According to the work efficiency, if no one asked for leave in the next few days, how many days will it take to complete the task?

The number of parts processed by each person per day: 135 (2 × 5-1 × 1) = 15, the number of parts processed by 5 persons per day: 15 × 5 = 75, the remaining workload: 735-135 = 600, and the number of days needed is 600 / 75 = 8. A: it will take 8 days to complete the task

There are 200 parts need to be processed in one day. When the working efficiency is M parts per person per day, n workers are needed
(1) (2) if the work efficiency of each person per day is increased by 20%, how many percent of the number of workers will be reduced?

The solution is as follows:
The functional relation of n to m is: n = 200 / m
2. When m increases by 20%, M2 = (1 + 20%) M
Then: N2 = 200 / (1 + 20%) M = 500 / 3M
Reduction percentage of workers = (1-n2 △ n) × 100% = [1-500 / 3M △ 200 / M)] × 100% ≈ 16.67%
The number of workers will be reduced by 16.67%

There are 300 parts to be processed in one day. When the working efficiency is x parts per worker per day, y workers are needed
(1) Find the function analytic expression of Y with respect to X;
(2) When x is 50, find the value of Y;
(3) When x increases from 30 to 60, how many people are needed?

  1) y=300/x;
  2) y=300/50=6;
3) when x = 30, y = 300 / 30 = 10;
When x = 60, y = 300 / 60 = 5
Therefore, when x increases from 30 to 60, the number of people needed is reduced by 5 correspondingly
I'm glad to answer your question. I'm not sure,
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There are 200 parts that need to be processed in one day. When the working efficiency is p hours per person per day, Q workers are needed. If the working efficiency per person per day is increased by 25%, how many percent of the number of workers can be reduced?

The number of workers has been reduced by 20% to 80%

Four workers processed 455 parts. In the first four days, one worker asked for leave for one day. As a result, 195 parts were processed. Later, no one asked for leave. It will take several days to complete
Take a look at this question. A and B leave from a and B at the same time. The first time they meet, they meet 32 kilometers away from a point. After meeting, they continue to move forward. When they arrive at B and a, they immediately return to the original road. The second time they meet at 64 kilometers away from a point to find the distance between a and B

195 divided by 3 equals 65455-195 = 260 260 divided by 65 equals 4
A: it will take another 4 days to complete
If you want to analyze it, ask again

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