Exercises on the distribution law of multiplication in the first grade of junior high school

Exercises on the distribution law of multiplication in the first grade of junior high school

Take a look here (especially the second one)

Using letters to express the law of combination of multiplication___ On the distribution law of representation multiplication___ .

(1) The law of combination of multiplication is written in letters: (a × b) × C = a × (B × C); (2) the law of distribution of multiplication is written in letters: (a + b) × C = a × C + B × C; so the answer is: (a × b) × C = a × (B × C); (a + b) × C = a × C + B × C

How to express the law of distribution by multiplication in letters

It can be expressed by letters: (a + b) x C = AXC + bxc. There is another expression: ax (B + C) = AXB + AXC