The florist bought chrysanthemum, rose and tulip. The florist has 78 chrysanthemum, rose and tulip. Among them, chrysanthemum is more than twice as much as rose, four are more than tulip, and rose is three times as much as tulip There are 78 chrysanthemum, rose and tulip in the florist. Among them, chrysanthemum is more than 2 times of rose and rose is 3 times of tulip and less than 2. How many of these three kinds of flowers are there

The florist bought chrysanthemum, rose and tulip. The florist has 78 chrysanthemum, rose and tulip. Among them, chrysanthemum is more than twice as much as rose, four are more than tulip, and rose is three times as much as tulip There are 78 chrysanthemum, rose and tulip in the florist. Among them, chrysanthemum is more than 2 times of rose and rose is 3 times of tulip and less than 2. How many of these three kinds of flowers are there

Let tulip be X
The rose is 3x-2
2 (3x-2) + 4
Then 2 (3x-2) + 4 + 3x-2 + x = 78
8 for tulip, 22 for rose and 48 for chrysanthemum

There are 78 chrysanthemums, roses and tulips in the florist's shop, of which there are 4 chrysanthemums more than 2 times of roses and 2 roses less than 3 times of tulips?

There are 48 chrysanthemums, 22 roses and 8 tulips

Xiangyang florist has 200 roses, 9 / 10 of lilies and 3 / 4 of tulips. How many tulips are there

Lily has: 200x10 9 = 180 branches
Tulip: 3 / 180x4 = 135 branches
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