The perimeter of a circular flower bed is 50.24 meters. There are four different kinds of flowers, and the average area of each flower is more than 100 square meters?

The perimeter of a circular flower bed is 50.24 meters. There are four different kinds of flowers, and the average area of each flower is more than 100 square meters?

Let the radius of the flower bed be r
The solution is: r = 8m
The area of flower bed is: π R & sup2; = 64 π, the average area of each flower is: 64 π / 4 = 16 π, about 50.24 square meters

The perimeter of a circular garden is 50.24 meters, in which four different kinds of flowers are planted
The perimeter of a circular garden is 50.24 meters, in which 4 kinds of flowers are planted. The perimeter of a circular garden is 50.24 meters, in which 4 kinds of flowers are planted, including 1 / 6 of roses, 1 / 6 of lilies, 1 / 3 of peonies and 1 / 3 of tulips. How many square meters do they occupy
How many square meters do they each occupy

Radius of flower bed = 50.24 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 8 (m)
Area of flower bed = 3.14 × 8 × 8 = 200.96 (M2)
Rose planting area = Lily planting area = 200.96 × 1 / 6 ≈ 33.49 (M2)
Area of planting peony = area of planting tulip = 200.96 × 1 / 3 ≈ 66.99 (M2)

The perimeter of a circular flower bed is 37.68 meters. Four kinds of flowers of the same area are planted in the flower bed. How many square meters is the planting area of each flower? (it's best to let people understand)

The radius is: 37.68 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 6m
The area of flower bed is: 3.14 × 6 × 178; = 113.04 square meters
The area of each flower is: 113.04 △ 4 = 28.26 square meters
Hope to help you!