The ratio of length to width of a rectangular garden is 5:3. It is known that the ratio of length to width is 120m more. How many square meters is the area of this garden?

The ratio of length to width of a rectangular garden is 5:3. It is known that the ratio of length to width is 120m more. How many square meters is the area of this garden?

Let the length of a rectangle be 5x meters and the width be 3x meters. According to the meaning of the title, we can get the following equation: 5x-3x = 120, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x = 120, x = 60, so the length is 60 × 5 = 300 meters, the width is 60 × 3 = 180 meters, and 300 × 180 = 54000 square meters. A: the area of this garden is 54000 square meters

How many square meters is the lawn area of the rectangular Park increased by 3 square meters

If the length increases by 4 meters or the width increases by 3 meters, the area increases by 36 square meters, then 4 width = 3, length = 36, length = 12, width = 9,
Originally, the original area is 12 * 9 = 108 square meters

The area of a rectangular lawn is 420 meters, and the length is 30 meters. Now the width remains unchanged. After the length is increased to 90 meters, what is the area?

Because it's a rectangle,
So width = 420 / 30 = 14 meters
Because the width remains unchanged and the length becomes 90 meters, the area is 90 * 14 = 1260 square meters

How much is a piece of cloth

In ancient China, the metric system gradually evolved into the five degree system of Fen, Cun, Chi, Zhang and Yin. Therefore, it can only be speculated that according to Li xuanluo, five Liang is divided into two bundles, each bundle consists of two volumes, and each bundle consists of two volumes. Ten volumes are five bundles, corresponding to the number of heaven, nine earth and ten, A piece of cloth is a unit of length, which should be more than 4 Zhang. If it is converted into today's length, it should be about 13 meters. Therefore, a piece of cloth should be about 13 meters long, and its width should be about 1.4 meters according to the system. That is to say, a piece of cloth should be about 13 meters long and 1.4 meters wide

A cloth 150 meters, use 30%, use how many meters


The length of a piece of cloth is 10 meters. Three fifths of it is used to make clothes. How many meters are used

10 × three fifths = 6

A piece of cloth is 240 meters in total. No 4 / 5 meters can be used as a tablecloth. Now one third of this cloth has been cut. How many tablecloths have been made? Let's ask you to help


For a piece of cloth, cut 1 / 5 of its total length for the first time, cut 5.5 meters for the second time, and cut 3 / 4 of its total length for two times. How long is the cloth?

The original length is 10 meters
We can solve the equation
1. Suppose the original length X
2. Cut off 1 / 5 * x for the first time
3. Cut 5.5 for the second time
4. Cut 3 / 4 of the original length, that is, cut 3 / 4 * X
5. Formula: 5.5 + 1 / 5 * x = 3 / 4 * x
6. Solve the equation, X is 10, that is, the original length is 10

A piece of cloth is 240 meters in total. Every 4 / 5 meters can be used as a tablecloth

A piece of cloth is 240m in total. Every four fifths of a meter can be made into a tablecloth. Now one third of this cloth has been woven. How many tablecloths have been made first?