The ratio of length to width of a rectangular garden is 5:3. It is known that the ratio of length to width is 120m more. How many square meters is the area of this garden?

The ratio of length to width of a rectangular garden is 5:3. It is known that the ratio of length to width is 120m more. How many square meters is the area of this garden?

Let the length of a rectangle be 5x meters and the width be 3x meters. According to the meaning of the title, we can get the following equation: 5x-3x = 120, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x = 120, x = 60, so the length is 60 × 5 = 300 meters, the width is 60 × 3 = 180 meters, and 300 × 180 = 54000 square meters. A: the area of this garden is 54000 square meters

The ratio of length to width of a rectangular garden is 5:3. It is known that the ratio of length to width is 120m more. How many square meters is the area of this garden?

Let the length of a rectangle be 5x meters and the width be 3x meters. According to the meaning of the title, we can get the following equation: 5x-3x = 120, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x = 120, x = 60, so the length is 60 × 5 = 300 meters, the width is 60 × 3 = 180 meters, and 300 × 180 = 54000 square meters. A: the area of this garden is 54000 square meters

There is a roll of fabric for clothes, rolled into a cylinder, how to calculate the total length of this roll of fabric

Ask the person who sold you the fabric

There are two pieces of cloth. The first piece is 74 meters long and the second piece is 50 meters long. After cutting off one piece of cloth of the same length, the number of meters of the remaining first piece is three times that of the second piece,
How many meters are cut off each piece of cloth
Don't use equations!


For two pieces of cloth of the same length, the first one uses 31 meters, and the second one uses 19 meters. As a result, the remaining meters of the second one are four times as many as the first one. How long are the two pieces of cloth

The rest,
The second block is longer than the first block: 31-19 = 12 meters
4-12 meters left
Original length of two pieces of cloth: 4 + 31 = 35m

For two pieces of cloth of the same length, the first one takes 32 meters, and the second one takes 20 meters. As a result, the second one is three times as many meters as the first one?

According to the meaning of the question: the second piece has more meters than the first piece: 32-20 = 12 (meters); according to the difference multiple formula: the remaining meters of the first piece are: 12 (3-1) = 6 (meters); the original length of the two pieces of cloth: 6 + 32 = 38 (meters). Answer: the original length of the two pieces of cloth is 38 meters

How long is a piece of cloth?

1Pi = 10zhang = 100ft = 33.3333m

Does a piece of cloth refer to area or circumference?

A horse is a unit of length. One horse equals four feet, one foot equals ten feet, and one meter equals three feet

How long is a piece of cloth

1Pi = 10zhang = 100ft = 33.3333m

For a piece of cloth, it costs 45 meters to use 3 / 4 of it; if it costs 3 / 5 of it, how many meters?

So a piece of cloth length: 15x4 = 60m
Used: 60x3 / 5