A rectangular lawn, with an area of 120 square meters, has the same length and twice the original width. What is the expanded area?

A rectangular lawn, with an area of 120 square meters, has the same length and twice the original width. What is the expanded area?

Area = 120 × 2 × 2 = 480 square meters

There is a rectangular lawn in the public square. If the lawn is increased by 10 meters or 8 meters in width, the area will increase by 400 square meters
How many square meters is the original lawn area?

Lawn increased by 10 meters or 8 meters in width, the area increased by 400 square meters
So the original length is 400 / 8 = 50 (m)
The original width is 400 / 10 = 40 (m)
The original area is 50 * 40 = 2000 (M2)

What is the name of the grass on the lawn of the park

Lawn grass is mostly gramineous herbs, usually used to build lawn grass is called lawn grass. Common lawn grass are paradise grass, Manila grass, bermudagrass, Zoysia tenuifolia, blunt leaf grass, etc., park generally use paradise grass or Manila grass, because paradise grass grows rapidly, Manila grass is cold resistant and treadle resistant

For a piece of cloth, it takes two fifths of its total length for the first time and 40 meters for the second time. It takes half of the cloth for two times. How many meters is the cloth?

Hi! Look at me!
Solution 1:
Let this cloth be x meters long
A: this cloth is 400 meters long
Solution 2
=400 (m)
A: this cloth is 400 meters long

What is the length and width of a piece of cloth?

In ancient China, metrical units were divided into five degrees, i.e. Fen, Cun, Chi, Zhang and Yin. Therefore, it can only be inferred that according to Li Xuan Luo, five Liang is divided into two bundles, two of each bundle is made into two, and ten volumes are made into five bundles to meet the needs of heaven and earth