Can a 120m long fence be used to form a rectangular flower bed with an area of 901 square meters

Can a 120m long fence be used to form a rectangular flower bed with an area of 901 square meters

Suppose the length and width are x and Y respectively

How to fence a 160 square meter rectangular flower garden with a 36m long fence (18m long)
On quadratic equation of one variable

Let the length of rectangular flower bed be x and the width be y;
The results show that Y1 = 10; --- > x = 36-2y = 16;
y2=8; ---->x=36-2y=20;
Because the fence is close to the wall, and the length of the fence is 18;
Therefore, it can only be a rectangular flower bed with a length of 16m and a width of 10m

The area of a rectangular flower bed is 828 square meters. It is known that the length of the flower bed is 36 meters. A fence should be built around the flower bed. How long is the fence

Its width is:
828 △ 36 = 23m
Its circumference:
(23 + 36) × 2 = 118m
The fence is [118] meters long