Everyone loves holidays because people don’t need to go to school or work during the holidays.(A) All the holidays mean no school and no work .(B) go,during you out with a holiday friends; during another holiday,you stay at home to eat,talk,and have fun with your family.For example in the US, Everyone thinks New Year's Eve and new year are both for having parties with friends.Christmas Is the time to stay home and exchange gifts with family members.But the things are(c)___________ in Japan.For example,in Japan,New Year is for spending time with the family eating,talking,having fun,and going to the temples.But Christmas is for boy and girl friends to go out and exchange gifts. Of course, if you want to know these different holiday customs, you will learn about different histories and cultures Read the passage and complete the following characters 1、 According to the underlined sentence at (a), change the sentence pattern of the next sentence All the holidays mean _____ school _____ work. 2、 Join the underlined sentences at (b) into sentences .__________________________________________________________________________ 3、 Find a word in the passage and fill in the space at (c) to make the context coherent ___________________________________________________________________________ 4、 According to the passage, answer the following questions 1.Why do people like holidays? 2.In which country do people go out and exchange gifts at Christmas.

Everyone loves holidays because people don’t need to go to school or work during the holidays.(A) All the holidays mean no school and no work .(B) go,during you out with a holiday friends; during another holiday,you stay at home to eat,talk,and have fun with your family.For example in the US, Everyone thinks New Year's Eve and new year are both for having parties with friends.Christmas Is the time to stay home and exchange gifts with family members.But the things are(c)___________ in Japan.For example,in Japan,New Year is for spending time with the family eating,talking,having fun,and going to the temples.But Christmas is for boy and girl friends to go out and exchange gifts. Of course, if you want to know these different holiday customs, you will learn about different histories and cultures Read the passage and complete the following characters 1、 According to the underlined sentence at (a), change the sentence pattern of the next sentence All the holidays mean _____ school _____ work. 2、 Join the underlined sentences at (b) into sentences .__________________________________________________________________________ 3、 Find a word in the passage and fill in the space at (c) to make the context coherent ___________________________________________________________________________ 4、 According to the passage, answer the following questions 1.Why do people like holidays? 2.In which country do people go out and exchange gifts at Christmas.

1neither nor2' you go out with friends during a holiday3different4.because people don’t need to go to school or work during the holidays.5.in the US

"West Lake" Yuan Hongdao read the answer quickly!
The West Lake is the most prosperous, spring is the moon. The prosperity of a day is morning smoke and evening haze
This year, spring snow is very abundant, plum blossom is cold, and apricot peach phase development, is particularly spectacular
When I was in love with peach blossoms, I couldn't bear to go to the lake. From the broken bridge to the SUDI, green smoke and red fog filled more than 20 Li. Song blowing is the wind, powder sweat is the rain. Luowan is more prosperous than the grass on the bank. It's gorgeous
However, when people from Hangzhou visit the lake, they stop at noon, at dusk, and at shensanshi. In fact, the work of dyeing the lake's green light and the beauty of setting the mountain's haze are all in the beginning of the morning and the beginning of the evening. The scenery of the moon is especially beautiful. The flowers are like willows, and the mountains contain water. It's a special kind of fun. This pleasure can be enjoyed by mountain monks and tourists, and it's safe for common people!
1. Explain the following words
① Chaoyan:
② Xilan:
③ Development:
Compare the different meanings of the dotted words in the following sentences
The most prosperous plum blossom in the West Lake is the "Wei" of hansoule
This year, the spring snow is very abundant "Sheng" is particularly spectacular "Wei"
3. Use "wave line" to draw sentences describing the spring scenery and moon scenery of West Lake
4. What is the meaning of "zhe le" in the last sentence of this article? Who is "vulgar scholar"? Why does the author end with this sentence?
5. Describe the following scenery in modern Chinese
From Duanqiao to SUDI, green smoke and red fog spread for more than 20 Li. Song blowing is the wind, powder and sweat is the rain. Luo Wan is more prosperous than the grass beside the embankment

1. Explain the following words
All the questions of explaining words can be analyzed in combination with the context to see what the general meaning is in that sentence, and then the meaning of words will be clear
Morning smoke: morning smoke; morning smoke; the misty scene of morning smoke
Xi Lan: Xi, opposite to Chao, refers to night; Xi Lan: mountain light in the evening
(3) development: combined with the analysis of context, apricot peach phase development, apricot peach refers to apricot blossom peach blossom, phase, order, one by one It is not difficult to understand the meaning of "open" for development
Compare the different meanings of the dotted words in the following sentences
The West Lake's most prosperous "Sheng" (Sheng: describing the scenery as "beautiful") plum blossom is the "Wei" (for All, passive, cold...)
"Sheng" (Sheng: describing the snow as "heavy") is particularly spectacular
3. Spring scenery: this year, spring snow is very abundant, plum blossom is cold, and apricot peach phase development, especially the spectacle
Yuejing: yuejing is especially unspeakable. It's a kind of fun with flowers, willows and mountains
In the last sentence of this paper, "this joy" is "this joy", which refers to the taste of enjoying flowers and willows, and mountains and rivers in the lower reaches of the moon scenery in the previous sentence. Vulgar people do not know how to appreciate the scenery of the West Lake. The author uses this sentence to end with highlighting the author's feeling of enjoying himself
From the broken bridge to the SUDI, green willows and peach red fog spread for more than 20 miles, singing and instrumental music spread everywhere. Young women sweat profusely, and rich children in gorgeous clothes come and go. They are as beautiful as spring grass on the side of the embankment