Using formula method to solve 4Y's Square minus 7Y plus 2 equals 0

Using formula method to solve 4Y's Square minus 7Y plus 2 equals 0

Calculate B & # 178; - 4 * a * C with the formula

It is known that the square of 4y-7y-3-m = the square of y-2y plus 1, then the expression of the algebraic expression m is

Subtracted - subtracted = difference
Subtraction = subtracted difference

If the square-5 of the equation 2x-5 of X is equal to the two roots of M + 1 of M-1, which are opposite to each other, then M =?

The original equation is: x ^ 2 - [2 (m-1) / (M + 1)] / X-5 + 5 (m-1) / (M + 1) = 0,
It meets the requirements of the discriminant △ = 20 > 0,
When m = 1, the two roots of the equation are opposite to each other