Matlab loop to get n arrays, how to put these arrays, in the process of loop, n arrays assigned to a matrix that is combined into a matrix? In the loop

Matlab loop to get n arrays, how to put these arrays, in the process of loop, n arrays assigned to a matrix that is combined into a matrix? In the loop

You can't use loops, because their names are different. If they are the same, it's OK
Define a two - bit array, two is a matrix, once, give a row assignment
For example:
for i=1:n
a(i,:)= .;

How to replace Nan with 0 in MATLAB matrix
I use matlab 7.6 to import some data into Matlab and find that there are many Nan. How can I change these nan to 0?

Data matrix X
x(find(isnan(x)==1)) = 0

Matlab programming how to remove the matrix of a row of a column to form a new matrix

There are two main methods
(1) Obtaining submatrix by colon expression
>> A=[ 1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]
A =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
>> B=A(1:2,2:3)
B =
2 3
5 6
(2) Using empty matrix
>> C=A;
>> C(:,[1])=[];
>> C([3],:)=[]
C =
2 3
5 6
Suggest looking for a basic book to have a look!