Please use the most understandable language, inflation and deflation Connect with the examples in our life, make a metaphor and so on

Please use the most understandable language, inflation and deflation Connect with the examples in our life, make a metaphor and so on

Now there are 100 fast money in the market, there are 10 apples in the circulation market, and that apple is 10 yuan. At this time, a guy brings 100 fast money. Now there are 200 yuan in the market, but there are still 10 apples, and the price of that apple rises to 20 yuan. This is inflation
On the contrary, there are 100 pieces of 10 apples in the market. If a guy takes 50, he will get 50 and 10 apples. If the cider is 5, and the price drops, it will be deflation

What's the meaning of nature? Explain it in easy to understand language. Thank you,

As like as two peas, we can see that what we know is the general nature of the basic properties of things we know. For example, chemical properties and physical properties are collectively called. It's like people have names, but two sheets of

can't be exactly alike, why? Or different personalities, or height and weight. But height, weight, or character, we can either use data to express, or we can describe them with a clear and silent adjectives. This kind of data and adjective is a kind of similar "nature"

I don't understand that,
Being fully in the moment.Being fully human and fully present.

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