How to translate this sentence For seam welded tubes to ASTM A789 one flange test shall be made on a specimen from one end of one tube from each batch of finished tubes

How to translate this sentence For seam welded tubes to ASTM A789 one flange test shall be made on a specimen from one end of one tube from each batch of finished tubes

For the flange test of American Society for testing and materials (ASTM), it is necessary to take a sample from one end of the pipe in each furnace

English translation
We come to love not by finding a perfect person,but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

We love each other not by finding the perfect, but by learning to fully understand the imperfect

English translation
In December months please write "Merry Christmas" in any other languages other than English if you speak one.

In December, please write "Merry Christmas" in any language you know except English

English translation
She is on her way to the park.

She is on her way to the park

English translation
Moyes is for the long term ,José mourhino would been only for a few years before he takes over the Portugal Job

Before Jos é murhino took over his job in Portugal, he may have worked for only a few years

English translation
This world wont be changed via ur thought,however,ur thought will let ur world be changed.

The world will not change because of fantasy, but our thoughts can change our own world

English translation
In this task you are going to look at sentences expressing similarities,with relevant words and phrases put in italics.
This time,however,you need to decide yourself what part of speech the words or phrases are.Simply ,type in the box provided what part of speech you think the word is.
Do you want me to write the synonyms in italics?

In this task you are going to look at sentences expressing similarities, with relevant words and phrases put in italics.
In this problem, you learn to express the same meaning according to the parts marked in italics
This time, however, you need to decide yourself what part of speech the words or phrases are. Simply, type in the box provided what part of speech you think the word is.
Now, analyze and determine the sentence components yourself. Type the correct sentence components in the given box

English translation
A prevalent attitude amongst many nurses in the group selected for study was that there was no reward or recognition for not utilising the paid sick leave entitlement allowed them in their employment conditions.Therefore They believed they may as well take the days off sick or otherwise

A general attitude in choosing study group is that many nurses are not paid or admit not to take paid sick leave right to make them in employment conditions. Therefore, they think they might as well take sick leave or other measures

What is the meaning of this sentence
For five years. Did not come true. The next five years again. When can come true, mr..When can you make me believe you?I never believed...

Five years, the promise has not been fulfilled. Five more years, when can it be fulfilled, sir? When can I trust you? I never believe it
PS. it's strange. Where is this from? Was it created by the owner

English translation
My name is Sam, 15 years old. I often have stomachache. Yesterday I saw a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. The doctor told me to take it twice a day for a week. He also suggested that I drink more milk, eat more vegetables and fruits, and take exercise every day, such as walking
English good Big Brother Big Sister help!
OK, I'll add more points!
There's a typo on it. It's Chinese medicine. It doesn't matter

I'm Sam,15 years old,usually have a stomach-ache,saw Chinese medicine yesterday,the doctor gave me Chinese herbal medicine,called me taking two timesing everyday,connecting to take for a week.He still suggests I drink milk more,eating vegetable and fruit more,and want to toughen everyday,if the stroll waits.