What is the plural form of German?

What is the plural form of German?

The plural form of German is Germany
In addition to Chinese and Japanese, Swiss is homomorphic
The plural form of German is Germany, because here German is not a compound word composed of German and man, so it cannot be changed into German
In other words, if a word is a compound word with man, its plural form should be - men, such as English, frechmen
Note: Walkman is not a compound word composed of walk and man, because it does not mean "walking man", so the plural is walkmans

What is the German plural?


Is the complex number of German plus s

Definitely, isn't it?

How does German become plural

The plural of French, English, Dutchman, etc. change a to E3. German, Russian, American, Indian, Italian, Korean, etc. add s because German is not a man

How does German plural change?

Add s directly

It's a little duck

They are little ducks

Is the plural of the English word "roof" roofs?
But isn't grammar saying that nouns ending with "F" and "Fe" turn "F" and "Fe" into "ves"?
Why is "roofs"?
It is clear that there are grammatical rules for the change of singular / plural. Why do some words not follow the rules? This is also the case with the present / past tense change! Don't you think it's contradictory?
They're not asteroids. Why don't they follow the rules? Do you think the British have nothing to look for?

Generally speaking, add s after clear consonant / S / voiced consonant and vowel / Z / end with s, SH, CH, x, add ES / iz / end with CE, Se, Ze, add s / iz / end with consonant + y, change y to I, add ES / Z / end with y, or end with vowel + y, change plural

Why is the plural of roof not reef

The exception is that not all words follow the rules
For example, the complex number of tomato is tomatoes and the complex number of photo is photos

Is "wife" a countable noun? If so, what is the plural?

Countable. Hearts

Finger (plural)

To extend; poke with the fingers
Touch; touch