How to express a matrix as the product of Elementary Matrices

How to express a matrix as the product of Elementary Matrices

Premise a is reversible!
A is transformed into identity matrix by elementary row transformation, and the elementary transformation is recorded every time
This is equivalent to multiplying a series of corresponding Elementary Matrices on the left side of A
That is, PS... P1A = E
So a = P1 ^ - 1... PS ^ - 1
Because Pi is an elementary matrix, PI ^ - 1 is also an elementary matrix
So a is the product of elementary matrices

The following invertible matrices are expressed as the product of elementary matrices
1 -1
1 1
How did you do it

1 -1 1 01 1 0 1→2 0 1 11 1 0 1.2 0 1 01 1 0 1→1 0 1/2 0 1 1 0 11 0 1 0 1 1 0 1→1 0 1 0 1 1 -1 1→P1=1 1 0 1P2=1/2 1 0 1P3= 1 0 -1 11 -1 1 -1 2 0 1 0 A=1 1 = 0 1 × 0 1 × 1 1

Why can a matrix be expressed as the product of Elementary Matrices, then a must be reversible

1. Elementary matrix must be invertible (and the inverse matrix is also elementary matrix)
2. The product of finite invertible matrices must be invertible, and (P1... PK) ^ {- 1} = PK ^ {- 1}... P1 ^ {- 1}
These are the most basic conclusions. Take a good look at the textbook and take your time

1. The square matrix AB (a is 3 * 2, B is 2 * 3) must be irreversible. 2. The product of two n-order Elementary Matrices must be reversible. Why is 3, a a a third-order square matrix
1. The square matrix AB (a = 3 * 2, B = 2 * 3) must be irreversible
2. The product of two n-order Elementary Matrices must be invertible. Why
3. If a is a third-order square matrix, then a is not equal to 0, the square of a is not equal to 0, | a | = 0, why?

1. The rank of matrix AB is R (AB) ≤ min {R (a), R (b)} ≤ 2, a is 3 * 2, B is 2 * 3, and their maximum rank is 2. The necessary and sufficient condition for a third-order matrix to be reversible is that R (AB) = 3, so AB must be irreversible
2. The elementary matrix is the matrix obtained by an elementary transformation of the identity matrix I (some versions are e, in short, the identity matrix). Let these two n-order Elementary Matrices be E1 and E2, then according to the properties of the elementary matrix, there must be n-order invertible square matrices P1, Q1; P2, Q2, such that E1 = P1 · I · Q1, E2 = P2 · I · Q2. (this property should be found in the book, in the elementary transformation). So E1E2 = P1 · Q1 · P2 · Q2. P1, Q1, P2, Q2 is an invertible square matrix of order n, so E1E2 is an invertible square matrix of order n
Third, I don't quite understand the meaning of the title
If "a is a third-order square matrix, if the square of a is not equal to 0, | a | = 0, then a is not equal to 0." this is true. The rank of a third-order square matrix is R (a) ≥ R (the square of a) (the property of rank), and the square of a is not equal to 0, then R (the square of a) ≥ 1, so r (a) ≥ 1, so a is not equal to 0 (the necessary and sufficient condition of a zero matrix is that the rank is equal to 0)
If "if a is a third-order square matrix, then a is not equal to 0, the square of a is not equal to 0, | a | = 0", obviously, if a is a third-order square matrix, it is impossible to deduce that a is not equal to 0, the square of a is not equal to 0, | a | = 0, such as the third-order unit matrix
If "a is a third-order square matrix, if a is not equal to 0 and the square of a is not equal to 0, then | a | = 0" is also wrong. The counterexample can still be a third-order unit matrix
If "a is a third-order square matrix, if the square of a is not equal to 0, then | a | = 0, and a is not equal to 0," this is not true. The counterexample can still be a third-order unit matrix
Wordy so much, final exam refueling ah!
If you think it's good, take it as the best answer

How to calculate the product of matrix


Calculate the product of two 5 * 5 matrices

Because you didn't say the specific formula, so you can only provide the properties of determinant. With this, it's easy to calculate determinant. Property 1 determinant is equal to its transposed determinant

Calculating the product of matrices
1 0 0 x1 y1 z1
A= 0 1 2 B= x2 y2 z2
0 1 - 2 X3 Y3 Z3 find a * b =? B * a =?

x1 y1 z1
x2+2x3 y2+2y3 z2+2z3
x2-2x3 y2-2y3 z2-2z3
x1 y1+z1 2y1-2z1
x2 y2+z2 2y2-2z2
x3 y3+z3 2y3-2z3

Is the product of elementary matrix still elementary matrix? The answer given in the book is wrong. Can you give a counter example?

Any invertible matrix can be written as the product of elementary matrix, so this conclusion is wrong
1 1
0 1
The matrix is elementary
1 0
2 1
It is also an elementary matrix
3 1
2 1
The matrix can not be obtained by an elementary transformation of the identity matrix
The product of elementary matrix is invertible matrix

Try to express a as the product of Two Elementary Matrices and find the process
A=1 0 0
1 1 0
0 1 1

First of all, we should know that the elementary row transformation of matrix A is equivalent to multiplying a by the corresponding elementary matrix to the left. Similarly, the elementary column transformation of matrix A is equivalent to multiplying a by the corresponding elementary matrix to the right. Consider the matrix in the question, change a slightly, so that B = 100
1 1 0
0 0 1
This is an elementary matrix (obtained by adding the first row of the identity matrix to the second row). Now if the third column of B is added to the second column, a will be obtained. Therefore, it is equivalent to the right multiplication of matrix B by an elementary matrix C, and C is obtained by adding the third column of the identity matrix to the second column
C=1 0 0
0 1 0
0 1 1
So a = BC

How to find the product C (mxn) of two matrices A (m × n), B (kxn)

It must be k = n