704 × 696 solved by square formula

704 × 696 solved by square formula

=700^2 -4^2

It is known that f (x) is an even function defined on real number r, and is a decreasing function at (0, + infinity). Compare the size of F (- 3 / 4) with F (a ^ 2-A + 1)

Even function
So f (- 3 / 4) = f (3 / 4)
10> 0 is a decreasing function
So f (- 3 / 4) > = f (a ^ 2-A + 1)

Let a = LG2 and B = Lg3. Let a and B denote 108 under LG root
Urgent. Urgent
That's 108 under the root. Right?

LG radical 108 = (1 / 2) * lg108
Lg108 = LG (the square of 2) * (the third power of 3)
LG radical 108 = a + 3 / 2B