In English phonetic continuity, when the vowel is a, will the pronunciation of a change? We have an English friend. This sentence has two consecutive readings: the first is the last consonant of have / V / and the first vowel of an / / which is / v/ Is that right? After continuous, does a become silent?

In English phonetic continuity, when the vowel is a, will the pronunciation of a change? We have an English friend. This sentence has two consecutive readings: the first is the last consonant of have / V / and the first vowel of an / / which is / v/ Is that right? After continuous, does a become silent?

No? Here's a weak a with [e] an sounds like n
You can find it in books related to English phonetic flow

What's the pronunciation of number?

One of the best
It's not uncommon
Number of hours
If you can't count the number of fish and turtles, you can't eat them. - "Mencius, King Liang Hui"