What is the pronunciation of innumerable numbers?

What is the pronunciation of innumerable numbers?

The fourth sound

How to read this number? Give an authoritative reading
4500005000, is it 4.505 billion or 4.555 billion

How to read this number?
Reward score: 0 - settlement time: May 8, 2006 17:49
Is the number 500000-5000 worth five billion five thousand or five billion five thousand?
Questioner: 48206188 - Assistant Level 3 best answer
five billion and five thousand
4500005000, it's four and a half billion

The pronunciation of hard to count median
Is the middle number four or three?

The pronunciation in the 5th edition of modern Chinese dictionary is "sh ǔ". First look up "Ji", and then find the entry "counting". There are two pronunciations of "counting":
Count (up): count (number); count: not countable, hard to count
Counting: counting the number of things; counting: counting
It depends on your situation, the situation in the sentence, which kind
From the meaning of the entry, we should choose sh ǔ