How many pronunciations do you have? Instant, tilt, hectare

How many pronunciations do you have? Instant, tilt, hectare

Two, three (instant), the second (ancient) is one

English translation
Come on, follow heel. Sit down. Keep stav down. Get down. Come on. Come on. Come on
Stand, retrieve / fetch, jump, go out, track
Guard, bite, bite, let go of out / let go, bark / bark
Kennel / crate
Just translate the words into Chinese,

Sit down, stay down, come over, come / here, stand up, get back, retrieve / fetch, jump, go out, go out

Do you translate "Du" into a word with the same pronunciation as English

Different from "Du fourth tone" in Chinese, it is called "degree" in English
You can't use Du or Doo directly