A train through the tunnel, from the front into the tunnel to the rear out of the tunnel takes 1 minute and 30 seconds, the known speed of the train is 100 km

A train through the tunnel, from the front into the tunnel to the rear out of the tunnel takes 1 minute and 30 seconds, the known speed of the train is 100 km

Find the train length L
Tunnel length H
Find L
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The time for the train to be completely on the bridge is 40 seconds. The length of the bridge is 1500 meters. What is the length and speed of the train

Length x (m) speed y (M / s)
(1500 + x) / y = 60 time for the train to cross the bridge completely
(1500-x) / y = 40 time when the train is all on the bridge

It takes 50 seconds for a train to pass a 1000m bridge at standard speed and 70 seconds for a 1500m bridge. If the speed of the train is reduced by 20%, how many seconds does it take for a train to pass a 1950m long tunnel

When the train passes through the 1500m bridge, it takes 1500-1000 = 500m more than the 1000m bridge, and it takes 70-50 = 20 seconds more. Therefore, the speed of the train is: (1500-1000) / (70-50) = 25 (M / s). The length of the train is: 25 * 50-1000 = 250 (m). It takes: (1950 + 250) / [25 * (1