A 240 meter long train passes through an 881 meter long tunnel at a speed of 1500 meters per minute. How many minutes does it take from the front of the train to the rear of the train to leave the tunnel?

A 240 meter long train passes through an 881 meter long tunnel at a speed of 1500 meters per minute. How many minutes does it take from the front of the train to the rear of the train to leave the tunnel?

A 240 meter long train passes through an 881 meter long tunnel at a speed of 1500 meters per minute. How many minutes does it take from the front of the train to the rear of the train to leave the tunnel?
About 0.75 minutes

A 240 meter long train passes through an 884 meter long tunnel at a speed of 1500 meters per minute. How many minutes does it take for the train to enter the tunnel from the front to leave the tunnel from the rear? (two decimal places reserved)

(240 + 884) △ 1500, = 1124 △ 1500, ≈ 0.75 (minutes); a: it takes 0.75 minutes from the front to the rear to leave the tunnel

It took 24 seconds for a train to cross the 360 meter long railway bridge, and 16 seconds for a train to cross the 216 meter long railway bridge at the same speed______ Rice

Speed: (360-216) / (24-16) = 144 / 8 = 18 (m), train length: 18 × 24-360 = 72 (m), or 18 × 16-216 = 72 (m). Answer: this train is 72 m long