The explanation of intersecting line and parallel line How to answer? From which aspects

The explanation of intersecting line and parallel line How to answer? From which aspects

Two lines that never intersect are called parallel lines. They can be set up in a plane or in space
Intersecting line; two nonparallel lines in the same plane,

1. Xiao Li and Xiao Ming practice typing. Xiao Li typing 35 words per minute more than Xiao Ming. Xiao Li typing 400 words at the same time as Xiao Ming typing 300 words. How many words can Xiao Li and Xiao Ming type each minute?
2. Given 1 / X - 1 / y = 3, find the value of fraction 2x + 3xy - 2Y / X - 2XY - Y

1. Let Xiao Ming play x per minute, and Xiao Li play (x + 35)
400 / (x + 35) = 300 / X followed by a fractional equation
The result is x = 105, so Xiaoli has 140 per minute and Xiaoming has 105
2. The left and right sides of the first formula multiply XY to get Y-X = 3xy
Then X-Y = - 3xy, substituting into the second formula, we get - 3xy / - 5xy = 3 / 5

1. Why multiply an integer by 2 plus 7, multiply the result by 3 minus 21, and the result must be a multiple of 6?
2. Given that the absolute value of the square of (3x-2) plus 2x-y-3 is equal to 0, find the value of 5 (2x-y) - 2 (7x-2y + 2) + (9x-3y-1 / 2)

1. Because after such calculation, you are equal to multiplying this integer by 6. Of course, it can be divided by 6. 3 (2n + 7) - 21 = 6N + 21-21 = 6N
2. 3x-2=0, 2x-y-3=0. x=2/3. y =-5/3