A family of three travel to the North during the holiday. There are two local travel agencies, a and B, whose prices are the same, but there are concessions for family travel. A travel agency says that adults don't discount, while children get 60% off. B travel agency says that all three people get 20% off. After accounting, B travel agency wants 240 yuan cheaper. How much is the adult's price?

A family of three travel to the North during the holiday. There are two local travel agencies, a and B, whose prices are the same, but there are concessions for family travel. A travel agency says that adults don't discount, while children get 60% off. B travel agency says that all three people get 20% off. After accounting, B travel agency wants 240 yuan cheaper. How much is the adult's price?

Suppose the price of adult is x yuan, according to the meaning of the question: 2x + 60% x-3x · 80% = 240, the solution is: x = 1200

