The general steps of solving practical problems with equations Be brief (no more than 27 words)

The general steps of solving practical problems with equations Be brief (no more than 27 words)

The steps are basically the same as those for solving practical problems with one variable first-order equation. The general steps for solving practical problems with one variable second-order equation are as follows: (1) review the problem: understand the problem, review the meaning of the problem, make clear which are known quantities, which are unknown quantities, and the relationship between them, Set element is divided into direct set element and indirect set element (3) series equation: according to the equivalence relation given in the title, list the quadratic equation with one variable in line with the meaning of the title (4) solution equation: find the solution of the listed equation (5) test root: test whether the value of the unknown number meets the meaning of the title (6) write the answer

50 points to solve the application problem of the system of linear equations with 2 variables (there must be a process!)
Party A and Party B go to a certain place twice to buy a certain factory product. The unit price of the two purchases is different, a yuan / kg and B yuan / kg respectively. Party A buys 1000 kg each time, while Party B buys 1000 yuan each time. (1) request the average unit price of the two purchases
(2) Please compare who has the lower unit price

(1) Unit price (yuan / kg) quantity (kg) total price (yuan) the first a 1000 AA 1000 / a 1000 the second B 1000 BB 1000 / b 1000 the average unit price of two times a: (1000A + 1000B) / (1000 + 1000) = (a + b) / 2 the average unit price of two times B: (1000 + 1000) / (1000 / A + 1000 / b) = 2Ab / (a + b)

Solving equations and solving application problems,

1. To bring 200 kilometers of water into the city, the task was given to the construction teams a and B, with a construction period of 50 days. After 30 days of cooperation, team B had to leave for 10 days because of other tasks, so team a speeded up and repaired 0.6 kilometers more every day. After 10 days, team B came back. In order to ensure the construction period, team a kept the same speed, and team B was faster than