Write a paragraph under the title of "what is happiness", within 150 words

Write a paragraph under the title of "what is happiness", within 150 words

What is happiness? Happiness is a kind of psychological feeling. Whether you want to be happy or not is up to you
To know and be good at happiness is a kind of wisdom, a kind of bearing and a kind of spirit
In fact, the most difficult thing in the world is happiness, but it can also be the easiest to have. Happiness can be very simple or very complex. Why people are not happy? People often lose the most simple happiness because they care about too many things. In life, many things can make you happy, such as doing a good thing, watching a good movie, and so on, Said some good words. These can make people happy. Happiness is in your own hands, everyone can give you, no one can deprive. I hope you can find your real happiness as soon as possible

Change coins into each other. There are 100 coins in Xiaohu's deposit box. Change all dimes into nickels, and the total number of coins becomes 73. Then change all dimes into nickels, and the total number of coins becomes 33. How many nickels are there in the deposit box?

The first time: (100-73) / (2.5-1) = 18 (pieces), the number of two pieces: 18 × 2.5 = 45 (pieces); the second time: (73-33) / (5-1) = 10 (pieces), the number of one piece: 10 × 5 = 50 (pieces), so the original five points are hard