Du Fu loved reading since he was a child. At the age of seven, he was familiar with the famous works of the poets of the previous generation and the contemporary. He not only read them well, but also recited them by cover. Some books he read repeatedly had been confused. He was fascinated by reading and often forgot to eat. Du Fu studied hard, More than ten years have laid a good foundation for his future business. When he saw some excellent works, he loved them and read them again and again until he could recite them Sorting questions

Du Fu loved reading since he was a child. At the age of seven, he was familiar with the famous works of the poets of the previous generation and the contemporary. He not only read them well, but also recited them by cover. Some books he read repeatedly had been confused. He was fascinated by reading and often forgot to eat. Du Fu studied hard, More than ten years have laid a good foundation for his future business. When he saw some excellent works, he loved them and read them again and again until he could recite them Sorting questions

Du Fu loved reading since he was a child. At the age of seven, he had already read the famous works of the previous generation and contemporary poets. He was fascinated by reading, and often forgot to eat. Some books he read repeatedly, but he didn't know how many times they had been confused. He not only read them well, but also often recited them. When he saw some excellent works, he loved them very much. He read them again and again until he could recite them, More than ten years as a day for his future business has laid a good foundation

In the new era, our soldiers, the most lovely people, are active in the front line of fighting snow disaster and earthquake rescue Please search for relevant information, find "the most lovely person", record "the most touching moment"

After the Wenchuan earthquake, an uncle of a rescue team who forgot to eat and sleep risked the aftershock to rescue the people of Wenchuan from the ruins of collapsed houses. Sometimes he rescued them in the aftershock, sometimes in the rain. Every time he saved a fresh life, they would sweat more and hurt more. An amiable uncle rescued others, but he was crushed under the house, When his partner rescued him, he was on the verge of death. He died of ineffective rescue, only 26 years ago. There was also an uncle whose wife and daughter lived in Wenchuan. When the earthquake happened, they were pressed down because they had no time to escape, but uncle didn't go to save them. When the team members left them, uncle had rescued 10 people elsewhere, But they were rescued a week after the earthquake and died of dehydration. Before burning them, my uncle couldn't see them for the last time because he didn't arrive in time. This is an unchangeable fact
It's the 82nd anniversary of the Chinese people's Liberation Army. In fact, many of us know about the Chinese people's Liberation Army through some film and television works, especially for the PLA in the war years. But when we enter the era of peace, we can't witness the touching scenes of the PLA's heroic killing the enemy in the battlefield, People's Liberation Army comes into our lives when natural and man-made disasters happen again and again, especially in the face of natural disasters that have never happened in a hundred years or decades, PLA soldiers always charge first
In front of the worst flood in a century in 1998, soldiers of the people's Liberation Army built the flood control levee with the great wall of flesh and blood;
In the face of the 2008 snow disaster, PLA soldiers were full of blood to dispel the chill of ice and snow;
In the face of the 2008 earthquake disaster, PLA soldiers used their bodies to open a green channel of life, straightened their spine and saved the devastated human purgatory;
There are always a group of people who come down from the sky when we are in disaster; there are always a group of people who come forward when we are in danger. The touch of olive green brings hope to life, and the touch of olive green dispels panic. They are our most lovely people - People's soldiers

What's the meaning of what the parents and teachers say?

Tomorrow - school starts
My mother hung brand-new clothes in front of my bed to make me look beautiful tomorrow. Looking at my excited appearance, she only gently told me: "fifth grade, older child, be more sensible: the real beauty is in my heart!"