1、 It is only a formula, not a calculation 1. The third grade students plant trees. There are 50 students in the first class, with an average of 3 trees per person. There are 55 students in the second class, with a total of 165 trees. How many trees per person in the third grade? 2. Mr. Wang deposits 5000 yuan in the bank for three years at an annual interest rate of 2.4%. When it comes to maturity, how much is the total amount of principal and interest after deducting the interest tax (20%)? 3. Mingmingjia plans to spend 800 yuan in May, but the result is 950 yuan. How much is the overrun? 4. The price of a garment will be 80 yuan after 20% price reduction. How much is the original price? 7. The income of wheat in Jingcheng Township this year is 5% higher than that of last year, just 60 tons higher than that of last year. How many tons of wheat in Jingcheng Township last year? 2、 Practical questions 1. The fruit shop has 1500 kg of fruit, and the pear is three fifths of the apple, and the pear is three fourths of the peach. How many kg are the peaches? 2. The number of goats is 200 less than that of sheep. The number of goats is 60% of that of sheep. How many goats and sheep are there respectively 3. In one way, team a and team B cooperate for 10 days, and team a can complete it by himself for 30 days. After 4 days of cooperation, team a is taken away because of something, and the rest is completed by team B. how many days will it take team B to complete the task?

1、 It is only a formula, not a calculation 1. The third grade students plant trees. There are 50 students in the first class, with an average of 3 trees per person. There are 55 students in the second class, with a total of 165 trees. How many trees per person in the third grade? 2. Mr. Wang deposits 5000 yuan in the bank for three years at an annual interest rate of 2.4%. When it comes to maturity, how much is the total amount of principal and interest after deducting the interest tax (20%)? 3. Mingmingjia plans to spend 800 yuan in May, but the result is 950 yuan. How much is the overrun? 4. The price of a garment will be 80 yuan after 20% price reduction. How much is the original price? 7. The income of wheat in Jingcheng Township this year is 5% higher than that of last year, just 60 tons higher than that of last year. How many tons of wheat in Jingcheng Township last year? 2、 Practical questions 1. The fruit shop has 1500 kg of fruit, and the pear is three fifths of the apple, and the pear is three fourths of the peach. How many kg are the peaches? 2. The number of goats is 200 less than that of sheep. The number of goats is 60% of that of sheep. How many goats and sheep are there respectively 3. In one way, team a and team B cooperate for 10 days, and team a can complete it by himself for 30 days. After 4 days of cooperation, team a is taken away because of something, and the rest is completed by team B. how many days will it take team B to complete the task?

1. (50 * 3 + 165) / (50 + 55) = 32, 5000 * 2.4% * 3 * (1-20%) + 5000 = 52883, (950-800) / 800 = 0.1875, namely 18.75% 4, 80 / (1-0.2) = 80 / 0.8 = 1007, 60 / 0.05 = 12001, pear: Apple = 3:5, pear: Peach = 3:4, pear: Apple: Peach = 3:5:4, 3 + 5

Xiao Ming and Xiao Liang each have some glass balls. Xiao Ming said, "you have 14 fewer balls than me!" Xiao Liang said, "if you can give me your 16, I'll have two more than you!" How many glass balls did Xiao Ming have?

There are 24 glass balls in Xiaoming

Elementary school mathematics application questions, about the process
Party A and Party B start from two places 450 kilometers apart at the same time. Five hours later, they meet. It is known that the speed ratio of Party A and Party B is 3:2. How many kilometers does car a travel per hour?

Speed sum of Party A and Party B: 450 △ 5 = 90 (hours)
90 ÷ (3 + 2) = 18 (km)
A: 18 × 3 = 54 (km)
A: car a travels 54 kilometers per hour