Xiao Ming and his father go to the park to play. Xiao Ming wants to make a plane. Today is children's day. Xiao Ming has half a ticket. His father paid 20 yuan in total and recovered 2 yuan. How much is the ticket price for Xiao Ming and his father

Xiao Ming and his father go to the park to play. Xiao Ming wants to make a plane. Today is children's day. Xiao Ming has half a ticket. His father paid 20 yuan in total and recovered 2 yuan. How much is the ticket price for Xiao Ming and his father

Dad 12
Xiaoming 6

It's 0.2 yuan for 3 minutes before local call, 0.1 yuan for every minute after local call, and 0.5 yuan for interval call
The long-distance call to Nanjing costs 0.07 yuan every 10 seconds. Xiaogang in Dalian first made a local call to his mother, and then made a Nanjing long-distance call to the editorial department of primary school students' mathematics daily. He paid a total of 1.84 yuan for the call. What is the maximum time for the two calls?

① One yuan is 11 minutes for mom
84 yuan was a long-distance call to Nanjing and a two minute call to the editorial department of primary school students' mathematics newspaper
13 minutes in total
② 1.7 yuan is 18 minutes for mom
14 yuan is a long-distance call to Nanjing and a 20 second call to the editorial department of primary school mathematics newspaper
18 minutes in total

Xiaogang has 63 pieces of RMB 2 yuan and 5 yuan, totally 171 yuan. How many pieces of RMB 2 yuan? How many pieces of RMB 5 yuan?

Let X of two yuan and y of five yuan
x+y=63 2x+5y=171
The solution is x = 48y = 15

Sunday is the time for us to go to grandma Liu's house and do good deeds?

We're going to do good

Xiao Ming goes to grandma's house by bike at the weekend, and then returns from Grandma's house. He walks 15 kilometers per hour when he goes there and 12 kilometers per hour when he returns. It takes 3 hours to go back and forth

Let the distance be x km
The distance is 20 km
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

There is an uphill road and a downhill road from Xiaohua's house to granny's house. On Sunday, Xiaohua goes to granny's house by bike. If he keeps walking 3km uphill every hour and 5km downhill every hour, it takes him 66 minutes to get to granny's house and 78 minutes to get home when he comes back from granny's house How far is the Hua family?

Suppose Xiaohua's uphill road is XKM and downhill road is YKM, then Xiaohua's uphill road is YKM and downhill road is XKM when he comes back from Grandma's home. According to the meaning of the question, we can get: X3 + Y5 = 6660 ① Y3 + X5 = 7860 ② from ①: 10x + 6y = 33 ③ from ②: 10Y + 6x = 39 ④ ③ × 10: 100x + 60y = 330 ⑤ ④ × 6: 3

On the rest day, Xiao Ming and his mother set out from home and went to grandma's home together. After they left for an hour, his father found that he had left the gift for grandma at home, so he immediately took it with him

1 hour 45 minutes = 1.75 hours
Distance from Xiaoming's house to grandma's house: 1.75 * 2 = 3.5km
Xiaoming's time to grandma's house: 1.75-1 = 0.75 hours
Distance dad can walk in 0.75 hours: 0.75 * 6 = 4.5km
So I can catch up

On the rest day, my mother and I started from home and went to grandma's house together. After we walked for an hour, my father found that the gift I had brought to grandma was left at home, so he immediately brought it with him
If Xiao Ming and his mother travel 2 kilometers per hour, it will take them 1 hour and 20 minutes from home to grandma's home. Can dad catch up with them before Xiao Ming and his mother go to grandma's home

We can't catch up

On the rest day, my mother and I started from home and went to grandma's home together. After we walked for an hour, my father found the gift for grandma at home, so he immediately brought it
If Xiao Ming and his mother travel 3 kilometers per hour, it will take them 1 hour and 40 minutes from home to grandma's home. Can dad catch up with them before Xiao Ming and his mother go to grandma's home?

Xiao Ming and his mother walk for one hour
3 × 1 = 3 (km)
Time for Dad to catch up with Xiaoming and mom
3 ÷ (8-5) = 1 (hour)
How long does it take Xiao Ming and his mother to go to grandma's house
1 hour 40 minutes - 1 hour = 40 minutes
A: Dad can't catch up with Xiao Ming and mom before they go to grandma's house

On the rest day, my mother and I set out from home and went to grandma's house together. After we left for 1 hour, my father found that the gift he had brought to grandma was left at home, so he immediately took the gift with him at a speed of 6km / h to chase after her. If my mother and I were walking at a speed of 2km / h, it would take 1.75h from home to grandma's house. Could my father catch up with us before my mother and I went to grandma's house?

The total distance is 2x1.75 = 3.5km