LAN LAN and Tian Tian fold a thousand paper cranes together. Lan Lan says to Tian Tian, "you fold 1 / 5 less than me." Tian Tian says to LAN LAN, "if you give me your 1 / 6, I'll have four more than you." please calculate how many thousand paper cranes LAN LAN has folded?

LAN LAN and Tian Tian fold a thousand paper cranes together. Lan Lan says to Tian Tian, "you fold 1 / 5 less than me." Tian Tian says to LAN LAN, "if you give me your 1 / 6, I'll have four more than you." please calculate how many thousand paper cranes LAN LAN has folded?

Let Lan Lan fold x paper cranes, then Tian Tian fold 4x / 5
X = 30
A: LAN LAN folded 30 thousand paper cranes

LAN LAN and Tian Tian fold paper cranes together. Lan Lan says to Tian Tian, "you fold 25% less than me." Tian Tian says to LAN LAN, "if you fold 20% for me, I'll have 3 more than you." please calculate how many paper cranes Lan Lan has folded?

Let Lan Lan fold x paper cranes. The meaning of the title is: x-20% x + 3 = (1-25%) x + 20% x, & nbsp; 0.8x + 3 = 0.75x + 0.2x, & nbsp; 0.8x + 3 = 0.95x, & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.15x = 3, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 20; a: Lan Lan Lan folds 20 paper cranes

Beibei and Lili took out the same amount of money to buy breakfast together. As a result, three eighths of Beibei's money and four ninths of Lili's money were left,
Who brought more money in the beginning


Beibei and Lili plan to fold 150 little stars for Miss Wang. Beibei has folded one third of all the stars, and Lili has folded two fifths of all the stars,
In a row
1.150 × 1 / 3 A. how many are left?
2.150 × (1 / 3 + 2 / 5) B. how much is Beibei folded?
3.150 × (1-1 / 3-2 / 5) C. how much discount have Beibei and Lili got?
4.150 × (2 / 5-1 / 3) d. how much more did Lili discount than Beibei?
1—— ( ) 2——( ) 3——( ) 4——( )

1——(B ) 2——(C ) 3——(A ) 4——(D)

A letter to children in Wenchuan earthquake stricken area
We should ask them about their current situation and comfort the orphans who have lost their relatives

Write a letter to the children in the earthquake stricken area

A letter to children in disaster area
Dear children in the disaster area
How are you?
I am a sister who worries about you in the distance. After the "5.12" earthquake, I am very worried about you. Even if the house falls to the ground and your family is buried in the soil, your home is suddenly in ruins. You are scarred and displaced. I feel your pain in the distance. Looking at your crying face on the screen, I have mixed feelings, sadness and sympathy, Hate? Friends, don't cry! Wipe the dust off your shoulders, wipe the tears from the corner of your eyes, smile, your relatives are in heaven, wish you bravely face life, live happily, you can't live up to your relatives!
You have lost your relatives, but we will all be your relatives. We are the descendants of the dragon, and we also have the character of indomitable plum blossom of the people's Republic of China. The motherland is your home, and the Chinese people are your relatives. Beside you are the great people. You have a great motherland behind your back! We love you forever! The children there survived the 7.6 earthquake in Tangshan, Why can't you? Stand up, let's race against time. We lift our arms to become the Great Wall. Our hearts are connected to form an iron wall. What's the use? Crying, your dead relatives won't come back, and your lost family won't come back. What we should face, we will never escape; what we should persevere in, We will never give up; we will never miss what we should give up; we will grasp what we should cherish
Heaven and earth are merciless, and there is love in the world. I bless you, pray, we celebrate the children's day together, our hearts are together.
good health!
People praying for you: so and so
Year, month and year

Beibei and Lili both donated money to the people who suffered from the snow disaster in the south. Beibei donated 18 yuan less than Lili, and Lili donated three times as much as Beibei. Ask them what they each donated

Shebei donated X Yuan and Lili donated y yuan
Substituting x = 9 into the original
Beibei donated 9 yuan and Lili donated 27 yuan
The money donated by Beibei is regarded as unit 1. Lili's is 3 (three times of unit 1)
(3 - 1) Lili donated more money than Belle, just 18 yuan
So Beibei's donation is (3 - 1). (maybe you can't understand) Lili's donation is (3 - 1 = 2) as a unit value
So 18 / (3 - 1) = 9 yuan, Beibei donated 9 + 18 = 27 Lijuan's money
Let Lili be x and Beibei be (18-x)
The equation is x = 3 (x-18)
Because Lili is 27, x = 27 is brought into the set value

What is the pattern formed by the minute hand of a clock rotating for one cycle______ .

The figure formed by the minute hand of a clock is a circle

The graph formed by the minute hand of the clock rotating one circle is (). The line segment from () to () is called radius. The line segment passing through () and () is called diameter
Fill in the blanks

The figure formed when the minute hand of a clock rotates for one circle is (circle). The line segment from (Center) to any point on (circle) is called radius. The line segment passing through (Center) and (both ends) on (circle) is called diameter

What is the figure formed when the minute hand of the clock rotates for one circle
