The length of the hour hand of a clock is 14 cm. After a day and a night, how many cm is the distance that the point of the hour hand passes

The length of the hour hand of a clock is 14 cm. After a day and a night, how many cm is the distance that the point of the hour hand passes

Two circles
Distance = 2 × 2 × 14 × 3.14 = 175.84cm

The hour hand on the clock is 8 cm long. After a day and a night, what is the area swept by the hour hand?
It's 24 hours a day and night. The hour hand has gone two times. Now, is it one or two times to find the area?
How do I think it's a bit wrong to use the area * 2 of a circle?

The area of one circle is good. The second circle is just repetition

How long is the hour hand of a clock? How many centimeters is the tip of the hour hand of a day and a night?

The displacement is zero
The distance is 2 × clockwise length × π. In general calculation, the value of π is 3.14

The length of the hour hand of a clock is 6 cm, and the length of the minute is 8 cm. How many cm does the tip of the hour hand go and how many cm does the tip of the minute hand go in a day and night?

The clock goes around, 3.14 * 2 * 6 = 37.68cm
24 laps per minute, 3.14 * 2 * 8 * 24 = 1205.76cm

How many times does the minute hand coincide with the hour hand in a day and night
A11 B12 C22 D23

C can be roughly considered as once every 65 minutes, so 11 times every 12 hours, so 22 times in 24 hours. The following comes from the analysis of how many times the minute hand and the hour hand coincide every other day and night on the clock face: because the degree of the center angle of the hour hand's 1 minute rotation is 0.5 degrees, the angle of the center of the minute hand's 1 minute rotation is 6

How many times do the hour hand and minute hand coincide in a day and night?

Because the degree of the center angle of the minute hand is 6 degrees and the degree of the center angle of the hour hand is 0.5 degrees in one minute. When the two needles overlap for the first time, the degree of the center angle of the minute hand is 360 degrees more than that of the hour hand in the second time
One day and night has 24 × 60 = 1440 (min), so two needles coincide with one day and night
1: 05 →
2: 10 points →
3: 17 →
4: 22 points →
5: 28 points →
6: 33 points →
7: 38 →
8: 43 points →
9: 48 →
10: 55 →
Because the coincidence of 11 o'clock is exactly 12 o'clock, it only overlaps 11 times in 12 hours! →
It's 24 hours a day, but from afternoon to zero morning, the operation of 12 hours in the morning is repeated, so the afternoon is the same as 12 hours in the morning! So, 11 times 2 = 22 (Times)

How many times does the hour hand and minute hand coincide in a day and night

Because the degree of the center of the circle is 0.5 degree in one minute rotation of the hour hand and 6 degree in one minute rotation of the minute hand. When the two needles overlap for the first time and then for the second time, the degree of the center of the circle that the minute hand has rotated more than the hour hand is 360 degrees

Grandfather's old clock's hour hand and minute hand coincide every 66 minutes. How many minutes does this clock slow every day and night?
The answer is no 144. It's got with (66-60) * 24,

If the speed of the hour hand is 1, the speed of the minute hand is 12
12 / 11 × 60 = 720 / 11 minutes
(66-720 / 11) × 22 = 12 minutes
PS: 12 / 11 turns of minute hand coincides with the hour hand once, 22 times a day and night. Of course not (66-60) * 24!

How many times does the hour hand and minute hand of the clock overlap each day and night

Turn the clock two times
Every turn of the hour hand will be overtaken by the minute hand 12 times
Remove the overlap at the beginning
That's 23 times

Now it's 2 o'clock. When does the hour hand and minute hand of the clock first coincide

Now it's 2 o'clock. When does the hour hand and minute hand of the clock first coincide?
=10 (10 / 11)
Now it's 2 o'clock, and the hour hand and minute hand coincide at 2:10 (10 / 11) for the first time