When is the first time that the hour hand and the minute hand coincide?

When is the first time that the hour hand and the minute hand coincide?

If from the angle of brain sharp turn, the hour hand and the minute hand will never coincide (the size and length are different). If from the mathematical point of view, from 0:00 to 1:00, the hour hand and the minute hand will not coincide, then calculate from 1:00. At this time, the minute hand points to 12, the hour hand points to 1, and the angle formed by the minute hand and the hour hand is 360 △ 12 = 30 degrees

How long does it take for the minute hand of the clock to coincide with the hour hand for the first time

As we know, the minute hand turns 360 ° and the hour hand turns 30 °, that is, the minute hand turns 1 ° and the hour hand turns 1 / 12 °, that is to say, the minute hand turns 1 ° to catch up with the hour hand 11 / 12 ° and at four o'clock, the hour hand is 120 ° ahead of the minute hand. Then the minute hand turns 120 / (11 / 12) = 1440 / 11 ° and just catches up with the hour hand. At this time, the two coincide, with an angle of 1440 / 11 = 130.9 °

After 9 am, the time required for the first meeting of the minute hand and the hour hand is () s (accurate to 0.1s)
A clock with only the hour hand (short hand) and minute hand (long hand) overlaps the hour hand and minute hand for 22 times in a day and night. After 9 am, the time required for the first encounter between the minute hand and the hour hand is (2945.5) s (accurate to 0.1s)
Why is 2945.5 seconds? How is it calculated?
Because I have made this question myself, as long as I am the first one to answer it, I can take it as the best.

Just find another watch to measure it

1. (10 minutes) a clock now shows 8 o'clock exactly. May I ask: (1) how many minutes later, the hour hand and the minute hand coincide for the first time?

480 / 11 minutes, set unknown x solution, minute hand every minute walk 6 degrees, hour hand every hour walk 30 degrees, X minute hour walk (30x / 60) degrees, add 8 o'clock have 30 * 8 = 240 degrees, total (240 + 30x / 60) degrees, minute hand after X minute have 6X degrees, have equation 240 + 30x / 60 = 6x. Solve x = 480 / 11!

When the minute hand of a clock rotates for a circle, how many degrees does the hour hand rotate

The minute hand of the clock turns one circle and the hour hand turns 30 degrees

The minute hand of a clock rotates for one circle, and the hour hand rotates for several degrees

30 degrees

How many degrees does the clock rotate in an hour? How many minutes does the minute hand rotate 30 degrees

The clock rotates 30 degrees in 1 hour. The minute hand rotates 30 degrees in 5 minutes

The minute hand of a clock rotates one circle, and the hour hand rotates 30 degrees?
The minute hand of the clock rotates one circle and the hour hand rotates 30 degrees
Is that right or wrong? Why?

Yes, because science has proved it

The minute hand of a clock rotates for 60 minutes, so it takes 30 minutes for the minute hand to rotate_____ At this point, the clock rotates____ Degree

The minute hand of a clock rotates for 60 minutes, so it takes 30 minutes for the minute hand to rotate_ 180____ At this point, the clock rotates__ 15__ degree

How many times does the minute hand and the hour hand of a day and night clock coincide with each other
The answer on the paper is 44. incomprehension

24 times a day and night,
12 points overlap twice, except between 11 and 12, every two numbers overlap twice