After the meeting, the two cars were still moving at the same speed. When they were 196 kilometers apart, the bus stopped running 3-5, 80% of the freight cars in the whole process How many hours does the complete journey take

After the meeting, the two cars were still moving at the same speed. When they were 196 kilometers apart, the bus stopped running 3-5, 80% of the freight cars in the whole process How many hours does the complete journey take

&In the same time, the distance ratio of bus to truck is 80% & nbsp; = & nbsp; 3 & nbsp;: 4, so the speed ratio is 3 & nbsp;: 4 & nbsp; as shown in the figure, when the distance between two cars is 196km, the bus is still 1-3 / 5 = 2 / 5, and the truck is still 1-3 / 5 away from ground a

A. B is 420 km away from the two places. A bus and a truck depart from the two places at the same time and meet each other three hours later. It is known that the bus travels 82 km per hour and the truck travels how many km per hour? (solved by equation)

Set up freight cars to travel x kilometers per hour

A and B are 420 kilometers apart and meet each other in three hours. It is known that the ratio of bus to truck is 4:5. How many meters does the bus travel per hour?
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The speed of passenger car is 4x km / h, and that of freight car is 5x km / h
According to the meaning of the title:
So x = 9 / 140
Bus speed = 4x = 560 / 9 km / h (about 62.22 km / h)
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