Xiao Ming walks home at the speed of 4 kilometers per hour along a bus route after school. Along the way, one bus overtakes him from behind every 9 minutes, and another bus comes face to face every 7 minutes. If the bus keeps running at the same speed at the same time interval, the bus will run at the same time interval______ Give out a car

Xiao Ming walks home at the speed of 4 kilometers per hour along a bus route after school. Along the way, one bus overtakes him from behind every 9 minutes, and another bus comes face to face every 7 minutes. If the bus keeps running at the same speed at the same time interval, the bus will run at the same time interval______ Give out a car

Suppose the car is x kilometers per hour. From the meaning of the question: (x-4) × 960 = (x + 4) × 760, (x + 4) × 7 = (x-4) × 9, the solution is: x = 32. Then the departure minutes: (32-4) × 960 △ 32 △ 60 = 778 (minutes). So the answer is 778

Three hours after the truck leaves the station at a speed of 30 km / h, a motorcycle can catch up with the truck at a speed of 50 km / h? And!

30 * 3 = (50-30) t, the solution t is 4.5 hours

Xiao Ming walks home at the speed of 4 kilometers per hour along a bus route after school. Along the way, one bus overtakes him from behind every 9 minutes, and another bus comes face to face every 7 minutes. If the bus keeps running at the same speed at the same time interval, the bus will run at the same time interval______ Give out a car

Suppose the car is x kilometers per hour. From the meaning of the question: (x-4) × 960 = (x + 4) × 760, (x + 4) × 7 = (x-4) × 9, the solution is: x = 32. Then the departure minutes: (32-4) × 960 △ 32 △ 60 = 778 (minutes). So the answer is 778