It takes 6 hours for a bus to travel and 8 hours for a truck to complete the whole journey. When the two cars meet, it's just the distance between a and B Please write down the reason for the last step in detail. It's best to solve it in a few minutes

It takes 6 hours for a bus to travel and 8 hours for a truck to complete the whole journey. When the two cars meet, it's just the distance between a and B Please write down the reason for the last step in detail. It's best to solve it in a few minutes

The speed ratio of passenger to freight is 8:6 = 4:3
When we meet, the distance ratio of passenger to freight is equal to the speed ratio, which is also 4:3
When the two cars meet, the passenger car runs 25 × 2 = 50 km more than the freight car
Each journey corresponds to 50 ÷ (4-3) = 50 km
4 + 3 = 7
AB distance: 50 × 7 = 350 km
Comprehensive formula:
25 × 2 ÷ (8-6) × (8 + 6) = 350 km

Freight cars and passenger cars start at the same time and run in opposite directions. They meet at a distance of 6km from the midpoint. It is known that the speed of freight cars is 80% of that of passenger cars. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

Distance difference between freight cars and passenger cars = 6 * 2 = 12km
Travel time = 12km / (passenger car speed freight car speed) = 12km / 20% passenger car speed = 60 / passenger car speed
Distance between two places = travel time * sum of two vehicle speeds = 60 / bus speed * (bus speed + 80% * bus speed) = 108km

The passenger car and the freight car leave each other from ab station at the same time. After meeting, the two cars still move at the original speed. When they are 196 km apart, the passenger car runs 80% of the whole journey
The ratio of the distance the truck has traveled to the distance it has not traveled is 3:2

When they are 196 km apart, 80% of the whole journey is taken by the passenger car. The ratio of the distance taken and the distance not taken by the freight car is 3:2. The distance between the two places is calculated