If a car with a speed of 80 km / h collides head-on with a car with a speed of 40 km / h, then a car () A. Car a collides with car B. car B collides with car a first. Car a collides with car B at the same time

If a car with a speed of 80 km / h collides head-on with a car with a speed of 40 km / h, then a car () A. Car a collides with car B. car B collides with car a first. Car a collides with car B at the same time

C. The two cars collided at the same time

If someone wants to travel from a certain station, it is known that the buses from the station to each station run every hour, and the probability that the waiting time is not more than 10 minutes is calculated___ .

As the metro train runs every hour, the time between two trains stopping at the station can be represented by a line segment of length 60. While the waiting time is not more than 10 minutes, the time for passengers to get on the platform can be represented by a line segment of length 10. Then the probability of passengers getting on the platform immediately is p = 1060 = 16, so the answer is: 16

A bicycle starts from the station. It meets a bus every 15 minutes and a bus catches up every 30 minutes
The station runs once a long time

Five minutes