A local train and an express train leave from station a and station B at the same time. After 20 hours of meeting, it will take 30 hours for the local train to reach station B, and how many hours for the express train to reach station a?

A local train and an express train leave from station a and station B at the same time. After 20 hours of meeting, it will take 30 hours for the local train to reach station B, and how many hours for the express train to reach station a?

20 + 30 = 50 (hours) 1 ^ [(1-2050) ^ 20] - 20 = 1 ^ [3050 ^ 20] - 20 = 1 ^ 3100-20 = 3313-20 = 1313 (hours) a: it will take 1313 hours for the express train to reach station a

An express train and a local train start from station a and station B at the same time and run in opposite directions. After meeting for 6 hours, the express train continues to run for 3 hours and arrives at station B

According to the known conditions, the slow train takes 6 hours and the fast train takes 3 hours
45 × 6 △ 3 of the speed of express train = 90 (km / h)
Distance between stations a and B: 90 × (6 + 3) = 810 (km)