The express train and the local train start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. After five hours, they meet It is known that it takes 12.5 hours for the local train to go from place B to place a, 1 hour for the local train to go back to place a, and 1.5 hours for the express train to go back to place B. how long does it take for the two trains to meet each other from the first time to the second time

The express train and the local train start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. After five hours, they meet It is known that it takes 12.5 hours for the local train to go from place B to place a, 1 hour for the local train to go back to place a, and 1.5 hours for the express train to go back to place B. how long does it take for the two trains to meet each other from the first time to the second time

Express from a to B needs: 1 / (1 / 5-1 / 12.5) = 25 / 3 hours
=54 / 5 = 10.8 hours

An express train and a local train leave from station a and B respectively and run in opposite directions. After 5 hours, the two trains meet. After meeting, the express train reaches its destination in 3 hours
It is known that the local train runs 48 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

When we met, the slow cars went
48 × 5 = 240 (km)
The fast train takes three hours to travel, and the slow train takes five hours to travel. The fast train takes every hour
240 △ 3 = 80 (km)
The distance between a and B
80 × (5 + 3) = 640 (km)